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What we do

We use our experience working with indigenous producers and forest peoples' enterprises in the Amazon, soft commodities trade finance, fund management and our network of local and international partners to carefully select enterprises which can use impact capital investments to increase their financial returns, protect the forest, benefit their community and deliver a return to our investors.


Impact Finance

Regenerative Investments

Technical Assistance

We provide an innovative range of loans to cooperatives, producers associations and businesses buying from the Amazon.  Loans are structured to provide financial incentives to borrowers to meet agreed sustainability targets. AIV specialises in impact-linked trade finance and capital investment loans.


Our investments regenerate value chains and forests. We develop agroforestry and forest restoration projects working directly with local communities and partners on the ground; and we are helping to increase access to international markets for responsibly grown and deforestation–free commodities.


​We provide business support to strengthen forest peoples’ enterprises to improve knowledge of regenerative farming practices and sustainable land use, be more resilient and deliver better long-term returns; and to improve their marketing and product range.


What we offer 


For investors

We provide sustainable financial returns and investments that have a genuine impact on the ground - both for the environment and people.  These are ESG investments that contribute to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.   


For forest peoples' enterprises

We make competitive loans available to grow sales, open new markets and business opportunities for responsibly-grown commodities and support their land and forest conservation efforts.

We establish long-term partnerships and agreements that are fair and equitable.


For buyers

We are increasing access to high quality deforestation-free commodities from producers adopting transparent, sustainable practices across the value chain. 

We are promoting the Amazon bioeconomy by strengtheing the value chains of  non-timber forest products such as wild berries, fruits, nuts and native crops.

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